Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Why all the "Check Yourself" posts

The first of each month I'll post that month's cancer to be aware of. Why?

Simple. Cancer has hit every generation in my family. I've lost many loved ones - friends, family, colleagues, former colleagues, teachers, favorite waitstaff, pretty much anyone I've come in contact with - and cancer is non-discriminatory. Plus there is no cure yet (don't get me started).

So let's start this year off right. Check yourself.

January is a Cervical Cancer month; a dear friend of mine got hit by that nasty bugger. Know your own normal and if anything is "off" go get it checked out. Check out www.cancer.org for a list of symptoms.

Don't be afraid to demand tests, don't even hesitate to demand tests. If your doctor won't listen, go find another.

Know your normal. Trust your gut. And NEVER be afraid to be your own advocate. You know you best.