Thursday, February 8, 2024

The Baker's Cookie

I prefer to roll these over dropping by the spoonful. That way I make sure to get every little bit of choclate that I can into the dough.

Often times I'm left with dough that won't fill a cookie sheet, especially when I use my really big NordicWare baking sheet. (No, they don't pay me to say that, this site is not monetized at this time). When I end up with this much I make a "special" cookie.

I call this cookie "The Baker's Cookie", or I put my hubby's name on it. I roll the dough into a ball, put it on the baking sheet, and pat it down, trying to keep it's circular shape. They're rarely perfect, but always scarfed down quickly. The one from this batch came out with crispy edges and a chewy center.

Friday, December 22, 2023

Cranberry Orange White Chocolate Chip Cookies

These cookies bring in my favorite Fall flavors in a big way. Took me a bit to figure out the "right" sized batch and cranberry options, which is why it's taken some time for me to get around posting this recipe. I love the pop of orange, the sweetness of the white chocolate, and the tart cranberries. Makes me feel Christmas-y.


A perfect pick-me-up after a rough 9 months during which we all were dealing with a variety of new rules due to a pandemic, lots of chaos in my own life, and a new job. All of which has delayed my website posts and the cookbook updates.

I prefer to roll the dough for these cookies, although the recipe is more of a drop cookie. No cookies scoops in my kitchen, mostly because we have a love-hate relationship. I love how they make "pretty" round and even sized cookies, I hate that they don't want to work for me. Luckily this dough's not as sticky as my Snickerdoodles.

 Groceries Needed:

½ cup
butter, softened or melted
¾ cup
¼ cup 
brown sugar
1½ cups
all-purpose flour
2 tspsorange extract (or 6 packets Pure Orange)
¼ tsp baking soda 
1 cups
white chocolate chips    

      1 cup             dried cranberries


Preheat the oven to 350°F.
In a separate bowl, mix the flour, baking soda, white chocolate chips, and dried cranberries. The flour will help keep the cranberries from clumping together.
In a larger mixing bowl, cream together butter and sugar until well blended.
Place the mixer on slow and beat in egg.
Add the dry mixture and stir in BY HAND, using a wooden spoon. Roll dough into balls or drop on baking sheet by spoonfuls.
Place on lined or greased cookie sheet and bake 13 to 16 minutes.This will vary based on size of the dough balls and your oven. Mine usually take about 15 minutes.

Friday, August 7, 2020

Mom's Cinnamon Rolls Made Better

 Odd as it may sound, this is a good time of year to make cinnamon rolls. My sunroom is the perfect temperature for rising dough; in Winter I actually have to warm up my oven and use that to rise the dough as my house is kept cold on purpose. Great Pyrenees dogs get big coats in the Winter time and they get too hot if the house gets much above 65F.

This recipe is based mainly off of my mom's old Betty Crocker Cookbook recipe (from the old book published in the late 50's early 60's) and her notes, along with some help from more current recipes. I am no pro at using yeast and this recipe takes any fear of messing up the yeast completely away.

My first run through of the recipe I over-baked them and they were definitely too dry. My go to fix whenever I dry out a recipe is to use buttermilk in place of milk. I've found with time that swapping in buttermilk doesn't necessarily overpower the original recipe – when used correctly.

These were a big hit at the diner we frequent, so much so even another customer was given one and couldn't get enough. They are requested frequently enough that I bake them fairly often; their other favorite is a recipe I've yet to publish.

I am not a great photographer, but this is what they look like before they are iced. I need to borrow a friend with better photography skills to help me with pictures.

It's not as time-consuming as you might think to make these up. A big chunk of time is waiting for the dough to rise. The first rise takes about 1½ hours, the second rise takes 30 minutes, add in the time for kneading the dough, rolling and cutting the dough and you've got about 20-30 minutes of prep time.

Groceries Needed

For dough:
  • 3-4 cups of all-purpose or bread flour
  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 4 ½ tsp. (2 packages) regular active or fast acting dry yeast
  • 1 cup very warm milk or buttermilk (120°F to 130°F) – see note below about milk
  • ¼ cup butter softened
  • 1 egg
  • Unwaxed and unflavored dental floss (for cutting, waxed and unflavored will do in a pinch)
For filling
  • 1/4-1/2 sugar or packed brown sugar – dark or light brown sugar works
  • 1 tblsp. cinnamon (I use about 3 tblsp.)
  • 2 tblsp. softened butter
For glaze
  • 4 tblsp. softened butter or cream cheese (or 2 of each)
  • 1 ½ cups powered sugar
  • 1 tsp. vanilla
  • 3-4 tblsps. milk (use regular milk for this)
Tips & Tricks
  1. Put 4 cups of flour in a bowl and “fluff” it using a fork or whisk, making sure there's no lumps. Homemade bread using yeast is the only time I bother to “fluff” flour. Spoon the flour into the measuring cup and level it off.
  2. If using regular milk instead of buttermilk, use 2% or whole milk. Don't go any lower than 2% fat, the dough needs the milk fat to work properly.
  3. Solid coconut oil can be swapped out for the butter, the fats are a good match for a substitution.
  4. Wash your hands and thoroughly dry them before starting on the dough, any additional moisture can throw the yeast out of whack.
  5. You'll need a warm spot for the dough to rise in. Winters in Michigan can make everything cold, so I usually set my oven to the Warm setting and let it go while I make the dough. Turn it off once it's done with preheating. If you don't have a “pre-heat” setting, let it go for about 5 minutes and then turn it off.

How I make the dough:
  1. In a large mixing bowl, put in 2 cups of the flour, sugar, salt and yeast.
  2. Lightly mix these together, no need for the mixer yet, a fork will do, just try to even the mix up a bit.
  3. Before turning the mixer on, add the warm milk, butter and egg.
  4. Now it's time for the mixer, mix everything on low speed for 1 minute, scraping the bowl frequently. It should be fairly well mixed.
  5. Bump the speed up to medium and beat for 1 minute, scraping the bowl frequently.
  6. Turn off the mixer.
  7. Add in ½ cup of flour at a time and stir in by hand using a sturdy spoon or silicone spatula. You want to add just enough to make the dough easy to handle, it will be sticky. I typically end up with 3 cups of flour total in the bowl. The rest will be kneaded into the dough.
  8. Grab a good sized board or clean counter surface and lightly sprinkle flour across it. I have a very large cookie sheet (16”x18”) that I use for this. It has a lip that I can drop down the edge of my counter to make it stay in place.
  9. Turn the dough out onto the floured surface.
  10. Gather the dough together in a rough ball, it may be sticky, you can lightly dust the top of the dough if it's really sticky.
  11. Knead the dough for about 5 minutes, add more flour as needed, until the dough is smooth and springy. If you're not sure, you can put a bit of flour on a finger and lightly push into the dough, if the dough bounces back quickly you're done. If you're unfamiliar with kneading there are lots of videos on line with much better lighting and camera work than I can provide. Keep track of how much flour you've used, too much will make the dough tougher and dryer.
  12. Take another bowl (I use large Pyrex bowls for this part). Grease the sides of the bowl with softened butter. Put the dough in the greased bowl, turning it to grease all sides of the dough. Cover it with plastic wrap or a clean cotton towel. Let it rise in a warm spot (for me this is the pre-warmed oven).
  13. Let the dough rise for about 1½ hours.
  14. While the dough is rising, make the filling, mixing your pick of sugar (or you can use ½ regular sugar and ½ brown sugar for a sweeter kick) and cinnamon in small bowl with a fork or whisk. Begin softening 2 tablespoons of butter as well.
  15. The first time through you might want to check the dough at 80 minutes in. The dough should double in size. It's ready when you poke the dough (clean fingers please!) and the indentation stays.
  16. When the dough is done rising, deflate it by gently pushing down on the center of the dough with your fist.
  17. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface (again I use my cookie sheet). Gently shape with your hands or a rolling pin into a 15”x10” rectangle. I usually start with the rolling pin and finish with my hands since my rolling pin is too narrow. If you like a thinner dough (more like Cinnabon rolls), roll the dough into a larger rectangle.
  18. Spread the softened butter across the entire rectangle, as close to the edges as possible.
  19. Sprinkle the filling across the rectangle, using your hands so spread it to cover all of the butter.
  20. Starting with the long end, roll the dough up tightly, tucking the ends of the dough into the roll. Pinching the dough works too, but I tend to tuck mine and pat the ends of the roll until they're flatted up. Think of a paper towel roll and you'll get the general idea of what it ends up looking like.
  21. The last edge should be under the roll for ease of cutting. Use your hands or fingers to continue shaping the roll until it's fairly even. Again, this doesn't have to be perfect and there are pletny of examples on line.
  22. Using about 12” of dental/ floss or a very sharp knife, cut the roll into 1” or larger slices. I like to cut mine about 1½” to 2” thick.
  23. Grease (with butter) and flour or use baking spray a 13”x10” pan. Other sized pans will work as well, so don't worry if you don't have an “exact” fit. Even an edged cookie sheet will fit the bill if that's all you have.
  24. Place the slices in the pan, leaving space in between, cover with plastic or a towl and place in a warm place to rise a second time. I typically turn my oven to warm while I roll and cut the dough, turning it off again before placing the rolls in the pan and use that as my warm place.
  25. The second rising takes about 30 minutes with the dough roughly doubling in size.
  26. After the second rising, pre-heat the over to 350° for metal pans, 325° for glass or aluminum foil pans and bake for 30-35 minutes. This will vary greatly depending on your oven and your pans. Mine take 32 minutes at 325° in the Pyrex pan.
  27. Remove the rolls to a cooling rack and cool for about 10 minutes. Drizzle glaze across the top if desired.

To make Glaze
  1. Throw the powered sugar, vanilla, butter and/or cream cheese in a bowl. 
  2. Mix together on medium speed, adding milk until it reaches the right consistency. 
  3. It should be significantly thinner than cake frosting. Mine tends to be a bit thicker than most glazes, but can still be drizzled using a spoon.
  4. Once it's at the right consistency, kick the mixer speed up to high or whip and mix for about 1 minute.

To reheat: microwave for about 15 seconds, or pop back in the oven for a few minutes on the warm setting.

How Mary Kneads

My great-grandmother taught me to knead bread and our mom let us help knead when we were little too. So here's how I do it.

Starting with the palms of my hands, I rock forward on the dough. If it's too sticky, I sprinkle more dough on top before picking up the dough and turning it. If the dough is sticking to the surface, I sprinkle more flour on the surface. I'm not super gentle with the dough, and I form it into a ball often. When I think I'm close, I'll pick the dough ball up and drop it on the floured surface. It should retain it's shape, if it doesn't I keep going.

Oftentimes I get my fingers more involved than other baker's suggest, but it all seems to work for me. I remember Dearie picking up her dough from time to time and simply working the ball in her hands, this was usually when the dough was still sticky. Dearie never measured, she just tossed stuff in and added more as needed. A true artist with bread!

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Pandemic Mania

Hi All!

Sorry I haven't posted much lately, I'll be back dating some posts soon.

I've been busy making masks for essential workers while I've been furloughed. Broke my 2 working sewing machines, managed to get 1 of them up and working again and the other is waiting on a "donor" machine for parts.

Yes, I fix sewing machines and I bake, and I work in IT.

I was furloughed back in April, came back from furlough last week only to find my position has been eliminated. So I'm on the job search again, in between studying for certification and making masks.

I'll be back to baking soon and will hopefully have  delightful Summer cake recipe for you. I have an experiment I want to try out again involving lemons and raspberries.

Stay safe, stay healthy, be careful!

Monday, February 10, 2020

Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars

These have always been a favorite of mine. I used to make them often as a teenager, being able to bake them in one pan during hot summers made them a go-to recipe for me. I've refined it over the years and these days I put more than plain old chocolate chips in them.

There are a lot of ways you can change this up so go wild and experiment! Swap out the chocolate chips for butterscotch chips, or make it a mix of peanut butter chips and chocolate chips. (Don't mind me, I'll be hiding over in the corner fighting a wave of nausea if you pick the last option).

A recipe fit for younger kids with shorter attention spans, it's another one where you don't necessarily need a mixer to make these up.

Groceries Needed
1 cup softened or melted butter
½  cup sugar
1 cup brown sugar, firmly packed
2 tsps vanilla extract
2 eggs 
1 tsp baking soda 
3 cups flour
1 package (11 oz) chocolate chips or chunks

  1. Preheat oven to 350°F. Use parchment paper, baking spray, or grease and flour a 13"x9" pan (or something close to this size)
  2. In a large bowl, cream the butter and sugars using a mixer or whisk. A wooden spoon works too.   
  3. Add the vanilla, eggs, and baking soda. Mix thoroughly using mixer, whisk, or spoon.
  4. Add the flour and chips, mixing in by hand. 
  5. Turn out dough into baking pan, pushing dough into all corners making dough an even thickness across the baking pan. This works well by hand or using a silicone spatula or wooden spoon.
  6. Bake for 30 to 35 minutes until a toothpick comes out clean.
  7. Let it cook before cutting, cut into approximately 2"x2" pieces and grab a nice cold glass of milk!
Suggested Variations

  • Mary's Favorite: Ghiradelli chocolate chips and Ghiradelli Caramel Chips (unfortunately theses are no longer being made, send Ghiradelli a note to please bring these back, they're AWESOME!)
  • Chocolate chunks and salted caramel chips
  • Butterscotch for a "blondie" version
  • Peanut Butter chips and milk chocolate chips
  • Semi-sweet or bittersweet chocolate chips and chopped up maraschino cherries

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

January is a Cervical Cancer month

Let's start this year off right. Check yourself.

January is a Cervical Cancer month; a dear friend of mine got hit by that nasty bugger. Know your own normal and if anything is "off" go get it checked out. Check out for a list of symptoms.

Don't be afraid to demand tests, don't even hesitate to demand tests. If your doctor won't listen, go find another.

Know your normal. Trust your gut. And NEVER be afraid to be your own advocate. You know you best.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Cookbook News!

I have good news for you all!

The Kindle version of Merry Mary's Marvelous Munchies will be updated with new recipes, and a host of corrections. It will also have DRM enabled, more pictures (because it's easier and doesn't crank up the cost as much on Kindle), and a new ISBN.

It's getting closer as I'm finishing up the format adjustments. A new section is being added: Lip-Pukering Lemon. All things lemony will be moved into the new section. The print edition will be updated after the New Year.

Stay tuned and I'll let you all know when the updated version is available!